Emanuele Ricci
EKO2022 Enter the metaverse CTF Challenge 1 — Phoenixtto
This is Part 1 of the series "Let's play EKO2022 Enter the metaverse CTF"
EKO2022 Enter the metaverse is a collection of challenges made for the EKOparty 2022 submited by some gigabrain hackers; @Br0niclΞ, @nicobevi.eth, @matta, @tinchoabbate, @adriro, @bengalaQ, @chiin, @Rotciv, @Bahurum and @0x4non.
This is a simple experiment of the Proof of Hack Protocol. Its a mix between classical blockchain challenges, and new ones, its permissionless, this page will curated some of them.
After you break each challenge you can claim a souldbond NFT on polygon.
Challenge #1 — Phoenixtto
Within the world of crossovers there is a special one, where the universes of pokemon, harry potter and solidity intertwine. In this crossover a mixed creature is created between dumbledore's phoenix, a wild ditto and since we are in the solidity universe this creature is a contract. We have called it Phoenixtto and it has two important abilities, that of being reborn from it's ashes after its destruction and that of copying the behavior of another bytecode.
Try to capture the Phoenixtto, if you can...
Challenge url: Phoenixtto Challenge author: Rotciv
The attacker end goal
Our goal is to be able to capture this strange monster called Phoenixtto, a mix between a phoenix and Ditto itself.
Study the contracts
After reading very close the source code of the contracts and solving the CTF, I realized that the description of the challenge have some important hints that would have made my life much easier from the beginning.
Another huge pain was being able to reproduce the test locally via Foundry, but you will understand why when I'll show you the code.
The important hints that you need to catch (no pun intended 😅) from the description of the challenge are:
- Phoenixtto can reborn from its ashes after its destruction
- Phoenixtto can copy the behavior of another bytecode
Do these hints ring any bell to you?
Factory Contract
This part is not relevant to find the exploit, but it's important to understand
- What has been deployed
- Which parameters
- What contracts could we interact with?
- What the challenge, check to see if we have solved it
By looking at the ChallengePhoenixttoFactory
we see that the deploy
function just takes the _player
address and return the Laboratory
instance as the only value we can directly manipulate
function deploy(address _player) external payable override returns (address[] memory ret) {
require(msg.value == 0, "dont send ether");
address _challenge = address(new Laboratory(_player));
ret = new address[](1);
ret[0] = _challenge;
Completion checks
In the isComplete
function of the factory, it checks that the Phoenixtto
has been caught by the player
function isComplete(address[] calldata _challenges) external view override returns (bool) {
Laboratory _target = Laboratory(_challenges[0]);
return _target.isCaught();
This is the monster contract. There's no constructor
function, but there are two state variables
address public owner
that should contain who owns the monsterbool private _isBorn
that is an internal boolean flag that is used by the contract's logic
It's an external function that implements the reborn logic. If the monster is alive (has already reborned) it just returns. Otherwise, set the _isReborn
flag to true
and the owner
to address(this)
(the monster itself).
This mean that after that the monster is reborn, it has no owner (it's free). This function is just external
so anyone can call it, but if the monster is already alive, it will just return as soon as possible.
function reBorn() external {
if (_isBorn) return;
_isBorn = true;
owner = address(this);
This function is the one we must call to be able to capture the monster and complete the challenge.
function capture(string memory _newOwner) external {
if (!_isBorn || msg.sender != tx.origin) return;
address newOwner = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_newOwner)))));
if (newOwner == msg.sender) {
owner = newOwner;
} else {
_isBorn = false;
The first part checks that the monster is alive and that the contract is called directly by an EOA (externally owned account) and not a contract.
The second part of the contract seems complicated, but what does this part of the code really do?
address newOwner = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_newOwner)))));
An Ethereum account is made up by a public key and a private key. The address of an account is just the less significant 20 bytes of the hash of the public key of an account. This code is just converting your public key to the address associated to the public key.
If they match (you have passed the correct public key) the msg.sender
will become the new owner; otherwise the contract will selfdestruct
and set the _isBorn
flag to false.
So one solution to complete the challenge would be to just call capture
with the player's public key and capture the monster. But this is the easy way to do it, and we want to deep dive more into the code if there's another way to complete the challenge.
This is the contract we are going to interact with, at first, it will seem very complicated but at some point you'll have the "click moment" where everything become clean!
The contract has three state variables
address immutable PLAYER
the player's address initialized during theconstructor
address public getImplementation
an implementation address of some sortaddress public addr
another address of some sort
This is the function that is called by the Factory to check if the challenge is completed.
function isCaught() external view returns (bool) {
return Phoenixtto(addr).owner() == PLAYER;
It just checks if the Phoenixtto
contract stored at the address addr
has the owner
address equal to the PLAYER
(our address). Our goal is to be able to become the owner of the Phoenixtto
contract stored in that address.
This function is public, so anyone would be able to call it, and if you remember it's the function that is called by the Factor
just after deploying the Laboratory
function mergePhoenixDitto() public {
It just internally call the Laboratory.reBorn
passing the "source code" of the Phoenixtto
Now it's time to deep dive into the complicated part. What does the reBorn
function do? Let's see the code
function reBorn(bytes memory _code) public {
address x;
assembly {
x := create(0, add(0x20, _code), mload(_code))
getImplementation = x;
_code = hex"5860208158601c335a63aaf10f428752fa158151803b80938091923cf3";
assembly {
x := create2(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code), 0)
addr = x;
The first thing that we notice is that the function does not have any restriction. Anyone could call it. Let's try to understand the first half. The function store in the x
local variable the result of the execution of the Yul
call to the create
function. If we look at the Solidity docs, it does say
create(v, p, n)
create new contract with code
and sendv
wei and return the new address; returns 0 on error
What is doing, is just deploying the contract with code _code
and storing the address of the new contract inside the variable x
add(_code, 0x20)
read the real position in memory of _code
(we are adding 0x20
, or 32 bytes, because in the first position we have the length of _code
) and then we load the length of _code
to be read from memory.
The result of the create
OPCODE operation is the address of the new contract. The address is then stored in the state variable getImplementation
An important thing to know is that the address of the deployed contract is deterministic: keccak256(sender, nonce)
. The sender
is the address of who's calling create
and nonce
. Both EOA and Smart Contracts have nonce, but they increase differently. For EAO they increment when it submits a transaction, for Smart Contract when it creates a new Contract via create
The second part of the code instead of taking _code
from the input is loading it from a hexadecimal string... odd... That must be some valid bytecode, otherwise the create2
operation would fail, right? For the moment we won't bother with the content of the bytecode and let's keep going with the code.
This time the contract use create2
instead of create
. That's a different OPCODE
that has been introduced with the EIP-1014: Skinny CREATE2 in 2018.
It does the same as create
(deploying a contract) but there are two main differences:
- it takes a new parameter called
- the address of the deployed contract can be pre-determinated:
keccak256( 0xff ++ address ++ salt ++ keccak256(init_code))[12:]
So the contract is created by executing the bytecode inside 5860208158601c335a63aaf10f428752fa158151803b80938091923cf3
and the address of the contract put inside the state variable addr
. At the end it will call Phoenixtto(x).reBorn()
that initialize the contract setting _isBorn = true
and owner
equal to address of the contract itself.
But what does that bytecode do when executed by the create2
!?!? We could use EVM Codes Playground to decode it and see what's going on...
[00] PC
[01] PUSH1 20
[03] DUP2
[04] PC
[05] PUSH1 1c
[08] GAS
[09] PUSH4 aaf10f42
[0e] DUP8
[12] DUP2
[13] MLOAD
[14] DUP1
[16] DUP1
[17] SWAP4
[18] DUP1
[19] SWAP2
[1a] SWAP3
If you would like to learn about the EVM and understand what this bytecode do when executed I suggest you to start reading some of these resources
Let's say that we don't have the knowledge to understand that bytecode. What would you do? To be honest, the first thing that I would do, is to just "google it". And the first result you would get from the search, it would be a link to MetamorphicContractFactory.sol.
Interesting... so that bytecode is something already known and used... And it's used for something about "Metamorphic Contracts"...
There are plenty of resources about Metamorphic Contracts and I highly recommend you to read all of them. Not only they are super useful, but it's really mind-blowing to understand how it works and how people create this rare diamonds with technology.
- The Promise and the Peril of Metamorphic Contracts by 0age
- Defend against “Wild Magic” in the next Ethereum upgrade by Jason Carver
- Metamorphic - A factory contract for creating metamorphic (i.e. redeployable) contracts by 0age
- A Tool for Detecting Metamorphic Smart Contracts by Michael Blau from a16zcrypto
The idea behind this concept is to be able to change the code inside a contract and make it metamorph into something else. This leverage the fact that given the same inputs, the CREATE2 will always deploy the bytecode to the same address. One important thing to note is that the bytecode used is part of the parameters and part of the formula used to generate the address. So if it changes, the resulting address will change as a result.
All the magic is done by what's inside the deployed bytecode (that is always the same): 5860208158601c335a63aaf10f428752fa158151803b80938091923cf3
. In just a few words it will query the caller asking which is the address of the implementation contract to use as the source of the smart contract to be deployed.
By doing so, while the contract deployed is dynamic, the resulting address is always the same.
I think that we have enough information in our end to be able to complete the challenge.
Solution code
After the ChallengePhoenixttoFactory
deployed and initialized the challenge, we have access to the Laboratory
and to both the getImplementation
and addr
state variables contained in the Laboratory
is the address of the implementation contract that will be used as the code deployed intoaddr
thanks to the metamorphic nature of it.addr
is the address of the "final"Phoenixtto
contract that will contain the implementation code ofgetImplementation
What we need to do is to
- Destroy the current
contract to be able to re-deploy into the same address. This is required because otherwise thecreate2
operation would fail... you cannot override an already existing contract. - Build a custom contract that at least contains a function to capture the monster and the
function that is called by theLaboratory
at the end of the execution ofLaboratory.reBorn(bytes memory _code)
- Use our own contract bytecode as the input of
- Catch the monster
- End the challenge!
Here's the code of our custom smart contract
contract PhoenixttoMutated {
address public owner;
function reBorn() external {
// we don't care about this part but we still need to expose it
// otherwise Laboratory.reBorn would revert
function capture(string memory _newOwner) external {
// do nothing
owner = msg.sender;
And here's the code to execute it to complete the challenge
// What we need to do is to destroy the metamorphic contract
// And replace it with our own implementation
// Destroy the metamorphic contract
Phoenixtto metamorphic = Phoenixtto(laboratory.addr());
// we don't care what we pass here, it just needs to go into the `else` case
// and selfdestruct itself
// The `_isBorn` must be `true` and the caller must not be a contract or called via `call`
// because `msg.sender` must be equal to `tx.origin`
vm.prank(player, player);
// Re-deploy the implementation that will replace the metamorphic contract code
// with our mutated vdersion of the Phoenixtto contract
// now we can call our own implementation of the `capture` function that will use the code of
// PhoenixttoMutated.capture
You can read the full solution of the challenge opening PhoenixttoTest.t.sol.
Further reading
- EIP-1014: Skinny CREATE2 by Vitalik Buterin
- The Promise and the Peril of Metamorphic Contracts by 0age
- Defend against “Wild Magic” in the next Ethereum upgrade by Jason Carver
- Metamorphic - A factory contract for creating metamorphic (i.e. redeployable) contracts by 0age
- A Tool for Detecting Metamorphic Smart Contracts by Michael Blau from a16zcrypto
Some additional EVM related content that you should know
All Solidity code, practices and patterns in this repository are DAMN VULNERABLE and for educational purposes only.
I do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase.