Emanuele RicciEmanuele Ricci

Emanuele Ricci

6 min read

EthernautDAO CTF 1 — Private Data Solution

ΞthernautDAO is common goods DAO aimed at transforming developers into Ethereum developers.

They started releasing CTF challenges on Twitter, so how couldn't I start solving them?


CTF 1: Private Data

The contract 0x620e0c88e0f8f36bcc06736138bded99b6401192 has been deployed on the Goerli network.

Anyone can deposit ether, but only the owner can withdraw During contract creation a secret key is set, which allows o transfer ownership of the contract

Our goal for this challenge is to be able to take the ownership of the contract by calling the function takeOwnership and then withdraw all the contract's funds by calling the withdraw function that can be called only by the owner of the contract.

Study the contracts

Let's start by reading the constructor code

constructor(string memory rndString) {
    owner = msg.sender;

    // create a random number and store it in a private variable
    secretKey = uint256(
                blockhash(block.number - 1),

Inside the constructor the deployer set up the owner equal to msg.sender and then initialize a secretKey.

To become the new owner of the contract and be able to call takeOwnership we must be able to reconstruct this secret key.

The first thing that you must remember when you use or develop on the blockchain is that nothing is private in the blockchain. Everything can be seen even if you declare a variable as private or internal. I suggest you to read more about this concept by reading “SWC-136: Unencrypted Private Data On-Chain”.

I'm saying this because the owner of the contract would think that there is no way that I would be able to read directly a private state variable. But in reality, we have two different way to do that:

  1. you could re-construct the key by reviewing the deployment data on Etherscan or Tenderly
  2. you could just fork the Goerli network in a block after the deployment and use Foundry's Cheatcode to read the slot where that value is stored

We will go with the second options just because I think that it's more fun :D

First, we need to understand how the Layout of State variables in Storage work.

  • Each storage slot will use 32 bytes (word size)
  • For each variable, a size in bytes is determined according to its type
  • Multiple, contiguous items that need less than 32 bytes are packed into a single storage slot if possible according to the following rules:
    • The first item in a storage slot is stored lower-order aligned.
    • Value types use only as many bytes as are necessary to store them.
    • If a value type does not fit the remaining part of a storage slot, it is stored in the next storage slot.
    • Structs and array data always start a new slot and their items are packed tightly according to these rules.
    • Items following struct or array data always start a new storage slot.

Let's now look at the Contract variables layout:

uint256 public constant NUM = 1337;
    address public owner;
    bytes32[5] private randomData;
    mapping(address => uint256) public addressToKeys;
    uint128 private a;
    uint128 private b;
    uint256 private secretKey;

First thing to note is that constant and immutable variables will not take a storage slot because they will be directly replaced in the code at compile time or during deployment time (immutable). See more on the "Constant and Immutable State Variables" documentation page.

So let's make some math, given each variable type we can know which slot they will use:

  • owner will be at slot0
  • randomData will take slot from slot1 to slot5 because it is a static array of five elements
  • addressToKeys will take slot6. For mapping and dynamic arrays, it's the layout is a little more complicated, but it's not relevant for this challenge. I anyway suggestion to read more on "Mappings and Dynamic Arrays" documentation page.
  • a and b variable will use the same slot7 because they take in total 32 bytes
  • This mean that our secretKey variable will take slot8!

Why is so important to know which slot is used by our variable?

Because by forking the chain and by using Foundry Cheatcode we can directly read a Contract's slot value in a specific block in time even if the variable is private!

Solution code

Now what we need to do is:

  • Create an Alchemy or Infura account to be able to fork the Goerli blockchain
  • Choose a good block from which we can create a fork. Any block after the creation of the contract will be good
  • Run a foundry test that will use the fork, read the slot, print it out and boom! We know which is the secretKey

Here's the code that I used for the test:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "./utils/BaseTest.sol";
import "src/PrivateData.sol";

contract PrivateDataTest is BaseTest {
    PrivateData private privateData;

    constructor() {
        string[] memory userLabels = new string[](2);
        userLabels[0] = "Alice";
        userLabels[1] = "Bob";
        preSetUp(2, 100 ether, userLabels);

    function setUp() public override {
        // Call the BaseTest setUp() function that will also create testsing accounts

        // Attach the contract to the addresses on the fork
        privateData = PrivateData(payable(0x620E0c88E0f8F36bCC06736138bDEd99B6401192));

        vm.label(address(privateData), "PrivateData");

    function testTakeOwnership() public {
        address player = users[0];

        // assert we are not the owners
        address owner = privateData.owner();
        assertEq(owner == player, false);

        // load the secret key slot from slot 9
        bytes32 secretKeyBytes = vm.load(address(privateData), bytes32(uint256(8)));
        uint256 secretKey = uint256(secretKeyBytes);

        console.log("secretKey", secretKey);

        // take the ownership of the contract

        // assert we are the onwer
        assertEq(privateData.owner(), player);

        // withdraw all the funds, if we are the owner it shoud not revert


Here is the command I have used to run the test: forge test --match-contract PrivateDataTest --fork-url <your_rpc_url> --fork-block-number 7178864 -vv

Just remember to replace <your_rpc_url> with the RPC URL you got from Alchermy or Infura.

Now we can go directly on Etherscan and call takeOwnership passing the secretKey we just printed in the console.

You can read the full solution of the challenge, opening PrivateData.t.sol

Further reading


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